What is PRISMA guidelines?
PRISMA guidelines is an initiative where you follow a strict template when you prepare and report a systematic review. Now the PRISMA-P...
PROSPERO is an initiative from England and it enables the detection of systematic reviews and meta-analysis before they are fully...
What is EQUATOR-network?
The Equator-network is an initiative where a group of dedicated people will gather all the available guidelines on a web-site. These are...
Use of group authorship
The number of authors on a scientific article is growing. This is happening along with the fact that the studies are becoming more...
You can use web-archiving if you want to use internet references
References on the internet are often not sustainable for a long time and if you follow such an internet reference in a published paper...
The good poster for scientific presentation
When making a poster there are typically three common mistakes: You have too much text The used fond-size is too small The poster has the...
The fourth authorship criterion from ICMJE
In August 2013 the ICMJE introduced a fourth authorship criterion to supplement the existing three criteria. This has caused some...

ICMJE at work
This is from the 2013 ICMJE meeting held in Santiago, Chile. You may think that we look relaxed, but all the ICMJE meetings are many...
Welcome to the blog on biomedical publishing
As you may have discovered already I was assistant editor for Ugeskrift for Læger as well as Danish Medical Journal for 6 years,...